Pizzazz Palace USA

Fast Delivery

(390) 456-2856

Fast Delivery

Delivery Pizza

At Pizzazz Palace, our delivery service ensures that your hot and fresh pizzas arrive promptly at your doorstep, bringing the delicious flavors of our pizzas directly to you. With convenient options like contactless delivery and online order tracking, getting your favorite Pizzazz Palace pizzas delivered has never been easier or more convenient.

Free Delivery

$ 0
  • Free shipping from 75$

Fast Delivery

$ 12
  • Delivery on your doorstep
  • Delivery in 30 minutes
  • Food of the Best Quality and Taste
About Delivery

Delivery Pizza

At Pizzazz Palace, we understand that sometimes you need your pizza fix delivered right to your doorstep. That’s why we offer convenient and reliable delivery services, ensuring that you can enjoy our delicious pizzas from the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re hosting a movie night with friends or simply craving a slice of heaven after a long day, our dedicated delivery team is committed to bringing the magic of Pizzazz Palace straight to you, hot and fresh every time.

Our delivery times vary depending on factors such as location, order volume, and traffic conditions. On average, you can expect your order to arrive within 30 to 45 minutes from the time it’s placed. For more accurate delivery estimates, feel free to contact your nearest Pizzazz Palace location.

Yes, we have a minimum order requirement for delivery to ensure efficient service. The minimum order amount may vary based on your location and specific store policies. Please check with your local Pizzazz Palace for details.


Yes, we offer contactless delivery for your convenience and safety. Simply request contactless delivery when placing your order, and our delivery driver will leave your food at your doorstep or another designated location specified by you. Payments can also be made online to minimize contact.


Yes, many of our locations offer order tracking through our online platform or mobile app. Once your order is confirmed and out for delivery, you’ll receive real-time updates on its status, including estimated arrival time and the location of your delivery driver. For locations without online tracking, you can always call the store directly for updates on your order.